Sunday, May 23, 2010

Letters to her...

I thought that maybe if you got to hear my thoughts from my age now, instead of how I will be in the future, you might understand who I was a little better. Right now you are little and the world is a different thing than what it will be when you are a young woman.

I am in my early thirties and things are not as easy as I sometimes make them appear to you. I have to be strong, patient, and sometimes pretend to be courageous when in reality I am scared out o my mind in certain situations. Who ever you are, what ever you have become, I hope that I am there to see you and appreciate the true beauty, brains, and person that you have become.

I love you, and no matter what you will be a part of who I am, and hopefully I will be a part of you as well. Please know all that you mean to me.
